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H-F has 12 graduates earn IB Programme honors

Homewood-Flossmoor High School had 12 members of the Class of 2018 earn recognition for their work in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
They represent the fourth IB program class at H-F.
IB students must meet the requirements of six specific groups: English; foreign language; social sciences; physics; math and arts/music.
“In addition to taking the IB courses in each of these six groups to earn a diploma, students have to take a course called Theory of Knowledge which is a wonderful course that really explores what knowledge is in all the content areas,” said Nancy Spaniak, director of curriculum, instruction and professional development.
Each IB student also must complete a service project, and write an extended essay of 4,000 words that’s done outside of the regular classroom curriculum. In addition, they met IB’s creativity, activity and service program standards.
To earn an IB Diploma, students met all program requirements in their junior and senior years, in addition to taking multiple Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses during their freshman and sophomore years.
Honorees and the colleges they now attend are:
  • Emma Anderson, St. Olaf College
  • Joseph Cipriano, University of Chicago
  • Sarah Albers Fester, IE University in Spain
  • Allie Mangel, Princeton University
  • Andronicus Marati, Emory University
  • Madeline Moxley, University of British Columbia, Canada
  • Luca Strohmeier, University of Chicago
  • Simone Williams, Yale University 
The IB Certificate was awarded to two students who completed the selection of Honors and AP courses, and all IB courses and program requirements. 
  • Josha Thomas, Northwestern University
  • Arthur Willis, University of Wisconsin at Madison
The IB Certificate also was awarded to two students who met all the Honors and AP courses, and completed four of the six IB courses.
  • Zi’Onay Walker, Washington University
  • John Wootton, Cornell University
“Congratulations to these accomplished students! Their hard work has earned them an exceptional ranking among the very best in the nation,” says Dr. Von Mansfield, superintendent.

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