economist at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago,
will be the featured speaker
at the Prairie State College
Annual Economic Forecast
Breakfast on Feb. 22.
(Official photo)
William A. Strauss, senior economist and economic advisor in the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, will be the featured speaker Friday, Feb. 22, for the Prairie State College Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast.
The event, a fundraiser for PSC scholarships, will begin with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and Strauss’ presentation at 8:15 a.m. at Ravisloe Country Club, 18231 Park Ave. in Homewood.
Strauss has been with the Federal Reserve Bank since 1982. He is responsible for analyzing the current performance of both the Midwest economy and the manufacturing sector for use in monetary policy.
He organizes the bank’s Economic Outlook Symposium and Automotive Outlook Symposium, and he conducts industrial and manufacturing roundtables throughout the year.
Individual tickets for this breakfast are $25. For additional information, contact the PSC Foundation at 708-709-3631.