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H-F High administrators given merit raises

District 233 awarded merit pay to seven administrators at its meeting Tuesday, June 19. The vote was 5-2.
Merit pay is a way the board recognizes the quality of work by Homewood-Flossmoor High School administrators and the extra hours administrators give outside of the regular school day, said Superintendent Von Mansfield.
Awards are based on a work plan set at the beginning of the year. The employee’s work performance is assessed several times during the year and the superintendent forwards the evaluations to the board for their review at the end of the school year.   
Beth Larocca said she voted no because she doesn’t believe in merit pay. She said the money should be spent on the students. She also argued she didn’t believe everyone on the list deserved merit pay.
Annette Bannon said she also questioned some of the payments, but because the board was asked for a single vote for all administrators, she voted no.
Mansfield received $11,500; Principal Jerry Lee Anderson, $5,000; Associate Principal- South Building Lawrence Cook, $3,000; Assistant Principal- North Building Jennifer Rudan, $3,000; Business Manager Ken Parchem, $3,000; Director of Information Services Gary Posing, $3,000; Director of Operations and Maintenance Tom Wagner, $3,000. The awards are paid as a lump sum.
In other business, the board accepted, with regret, letters of intent to retire from Posing and Wagner. They will serve through June 30, 2021.
The board approved a contract through June 2021 with members of the support staff. The 65 members of the union will receive raises averaging 3.5 percent over the three years of the agreement.
The board approved the appointment of Mark Sheahan as interim business manager for the 2018-19 school year. He will replace Ken Parchem who is leaving the district after 13 years.
Sheahan is coming out of retirement to take the position. He was assistant superintendent for finance and operations at Bloom High School District 206 for 15 years before he retired in 2012. He has been working in the H-F business office the past several weeks so that Parchem can help him get acclimated. Parchem’s last day is June 30.
The board also awarded a five-year exclusive contract for athletic uniforms and equipment to BSN Sports with NIKE being the exclusive uniform of choice. Parchem informed the board that over the life of the agreement District 233 will receive approximately $268,080 in annual rebates and discounts.
The board awarded one-year contracts to GCA Education Services for custodial work at $1,075,951 and Kickert Bus for transportation at $1,877,780. The contracts can be renewed for four additional years. 
The board also renewed a contract with Chartwell’s for food service. The agreement calls for a break-even program. Parchem said if the program loses money, Chartwell’s will reimburse the district in an amount that covers the management fee. 

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