Steve Anderson, as president of the District 233 school board, has made several committee changes.
He notified board members May 31 of the new assignments. The changes, effective June 5, are having the biggest impact on Jody Scariano, the longest serving board member. She will no longer be the Finance Committee chairperson and she was removed from the Personnel Committee.
“We update committees on an annual basis as we did when I first came on the board last year,” Anderson explained. “You’ll notice that with most every school board.”
Scariano said she last saw Anderson at the May 25 Finance Committee meeting. He did not have a conversation with her about any preferences she has or about the changes. She learned of the new assignments through an email sent to all board members, she said.
Scariano has been chairman of the Finance Committee since 2016 and has served on the committee since 2011. She has served on the District 233 board for 20 years.
Scariano most recently worked with the administration and fellow committee members on the Fine Arts additions project. She chaired three Finance Committee meetings in May to discuss funding for the project that had been before the board since September 2017 and gone through several reviews and revisions.
At the May 14 and May 25 Finance Committee meetings, Scariano was ready to move forward. Committee members Anderson and Tim Wenckus said they weren’t ready to agree to allocate funds for the project.
Wenckus will now serve as chair of the Finance Committee. Scariano will continue as a member. Anderson took himself off the committee and appointed Beth Larocca as the third member.
Scariano was removed from the Personnel Committee and is being replaced by Anderson, who will serve with Annette Bannon and chairperson Debbie Berman.
The Planning Committee is the third standing board committee. Anderson made no changes to this committee, which is chaired by John Farrell, who serves with members Berman and Larocca.
The school board met in special session today, Sunday, June 3, to adopt the contract between the district and the H-F Education Organization, the teachers union affiliated with the National Education Association.
The Personnel Committee will meet at 7 a.m. on Monday at the high school in the superintendent’s conference room.
The agenda for the meeting is on the H-F High website at