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H-F seniors selected for Exelon summer internships

Four Homewood-Flossmoor High School graduating seniors have been selected for 10-week paid engineering internships through the Exelon Generation program this summer.

  Homewood-Flossmoor High School seniors, from left,
  Jonathan Luong, Ethan Bosch, Chloe Walls and Tara
  Thrall have been awarded summer internships at Exelon.

  (Photo by Marilyn Thomas/H-F Chronicle)

Four Homewood-Flossmoor High School graduating seniors have been selected for 10-week paid engineering internships through the Exelon Generation program this summer.

Ethan Bosch, Chloe Walls and Jonathan Loung are enrolled in the College Engineering course at H-F, and Tara Thrall, a Project Lead the Way student who was an Exelon intern in summer 2017, has received a second appointment to the program.
H-F is the only high school selected to participate in the Exelon program aimed at college students, said teacher Tony Svozil, who helped establish the partnership in 2015. H-F’s curriculum includes Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Digital Electronics and Civil Engineering and Architecture, and the high school’s partnership in Project Lead the Way that gives juniors and seniors opportunities to work with engineers, architects and construction specialists.
Ethan, the son of Alex and Bridget Bosch of Homewood, plans to major in mechanical engineering in college, although he hasn’t yet decided at which school. At H-F, he’s a member of Scholastic Bowl and the Robotics Club. He is a member of the Jazz Ensemble and Symphonic and Marching Bands.
“I’m interested in the way things work, and I like taking things apart and seeing how they did something,” he said. “I also like solving problems and seeing different ways to solve problems. It’s not necessarily a math thing but problem solving.”
Chloe, the daughter of Camira Sampson and Clark Walls of Homewood, will major in environmental engineering at The Ohio State University. She is a member of the Environmental Vikings Club, Spanish National Honor Society and the National Honor Society. She’s run track and cross-country for H-F. 
“I like engineering because of all the benefits engineers have made toward society,” she said. When she looks around, she sees that “nearly everything around us has to do with engineers and that’s what intrigued me the most. That’s why I want to be an engineer, and I like math.”
Jonathan, the son of Truong Nguyen and Kristi Tran of Homewood, will major in computer engineering. He has received a congressional nomination to the U.S. Air Force Academy. He has been a student in Project Lead the Way all four years at H-F. He is a member of the National Honor Society, the Robotics Club and  Key Club. He is a member of the H-F soccer team.
“I just really enjoy the practicality of engineers in general, who take a problem and solve it,” he said.
Tara, the daughter of Terese and Wade Thrall of Homewood, will major in mechanical engineering but hasn’t yet decided at which school. She has been in Project Lead the Way all four years at H-F. Tara is a member of Vikings Orchestra and will be going to Germany on the spring trip. She is a member of the Robotics Club, Spanish National Honor Society, the National Honor Society, and the music national honor society.

“My dad builds model airplanes and I used to watch and ask if I could help, so I think that initially got me interested in (engineering),” she said.  “I’ve always liked drawing and designing things and math, so it just seems like a natural synthesis of the two things, and I’ve really liked Project Lead the Way, especially engineering where we got to build robots and program them.”

During her Exelon internship in 2017, she worked on several design change packages. One dealt with a debris filter working in conjunction with fuel cells. The other required her to assess lab results from the first experiment and prepare a document on the effect on pressure.
Students will be assigned projects when they begin their internships June 5 at Exelon Generation’s Regional Headquarters in Warrenville.


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