Local News

Homewood trustees to consider resolution on proposed home rule sales tax

Homewood trustees will consider a resolution at their Tuesday board meeting confirming the village’s intention to distribute 100 percent of a proposed sales tax hike to other local taxing districts.

The resolution refers to the village’s plan for increasing sales tax by 0.25 percent if voters agree to grant the village home rule status in the March 20 election. If home rule is approved, revenue from the sales tax increase will be shared with the three local school districts, the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District and Homewood Public Library.

The village previously approved an intergovernmental agreement that spells out the revenue sharing agreement.


In other business, the board will consider a planned unit development amendment and sign variance request from Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburgers, which plans to open a restaurant this year at 17601 Halsted St., the site of the former Taco Bell restaurant.

Also on the agenda:

  • An intergovernmental agreement with South Suburban Land Bank and Development Authority to acquire and redevelop three vacant buildings, including the former Brunswick Zone bowling alley on 183rd Street.
  • Award the bid for the replacement of the Homewood Science Center boiler.
  • An extension and amendment of the lease with Crown Castle GT Company for use of the village telecommunications tower at 17755 Ashland Ave.
  • A measure to approve a contract for auditing services with Lauterbach & Amen LLP.

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