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Municipal attorney will address Homewood’s Feb. 1 home rule meeting

A municipal law specialist will be the guest speaker at 7 p.m. on Feb. 1 when the village of Homewood hosts an information meeting about home rule at the Marie Irwin Center, 18120 Highland Ave. in Homewood.

Homewood voters will be asked to consider approving home rule status for the village in the March 20 election. 

The speaker at the meeting will be Patrick A. Lucansky, who is a past chairman of the Home Rule Attorneys Committee of the Illinois Municipal League. He will speak on issues relating to the village’s proposal to become a home rule community. 
During his 45 years as a municipal attorney, Lucansky has represented five library districts, two sanitary districts and three village libraries, as well as the cities of Countryside and Des Plaines and the villages of Kildeer, Lincolnshire and Lombard. He is an associate professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law.
The state automatically grants home rule powers to communities with a population of 25,000 or more. Homewood has a population just under 20,000, so the question on whether to approve home rule can only be decided by voters.

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