In a tongue-in-check homage to Homewood Mayor Richard Hofeld’s harrowing plunge into an icy Izaak Walton lake, the village will host the Mayor’s Arctic Dip to benefit the South Suburban Humane Society on Jan. 12.

Hofeld. (Official photo)
After a grueling 20 minutes in the frigid water, Hofeld and Annie were rescued by Homewood firefighters.
“The more we all thought about it, the more we thought we could do a Polar Plunge-type event, just not at Izaak Walton because that wouldn’t be safe,” Klehm said. “This event was born.”
The science center will host an after party with Aurelio’s Pizza, Tito’s Vodka, hot chocolate and La Voute’s chili. The costume contest and highest donation winners will be announced.
Those interested in joining the dippers can register for $25. Participants will have a donation page for additional donations. A ticket to the after party without a swim will cost $15 and will include a slice of pizza, a Tito’s beverage and hot chocolate.
Tickets are non-refundable, even in the case of inclement weather, and can be found online. For more information call the South Suburban Humane Society, at 708-755-7387.