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D233 board extends contracts for three top administrators

The District 233 school board extended the contracts of three top administrators at Homewood-Flossmoor High School.

With the extensions, Principal Jerry Lee Anderson, who is completing her first year at H-F; Associate Principal Lawrence Cook, working in the South Building; and Jennifer Rudan, assistant principal at the North Building will be under contract July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2021.

The contract extensions got unanimous support at the board’s Dec. 19 meeting.


“It’s stunning what they actually do,” said board member John Farrell.

Board member Debbie Berman said the board received very detailed reports and evaluations of their performance. She was amazed by what they are achieving and the amount of effort they put into their jobs.

“We’re lucky to have them. They go above and beyond,” she said before the vote.

By the end of the contract cycle, Anderson will be paid $182,528, Cook will earn $129,829 and Rudan $111,427.

“So we have the opportunity now and want to hold on to them and also acknowledge their great job and support they give” to fellow staff members and students, Superintendent Von Mansfield said. The contract extensions were extended now because administrators are on an early January-February contract timeline.

Anderson has been principal since July 1. She was selected for the position after the school board conducted a national search following the board terminated Ryan Pitcock’s principal contract in June 2016. Anderson came to H-F from Colorado where she was principal of Monarch High School, part of the Boulder Valley School District.

In other business, the board voted unanimously to support the home rule referendum for Homewood that will be on the March 20 ballot. If home rule is approved, the village will increase its sales tax one-quarter of one percent. The money will be shared with District 233 and four other taxing districts. The agreement calls for H-F to receive 7.5 percent of the money raised from a tax increase.

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