There it sits, in all its glory — an 18 pound turkey. Stuffed to bursting and full of flavors that you think about the rest of the year.
1 Preheat oven to 400
2 Put a halved and seeded
butternut squash, about
three pounds, face-down
on a baking sheet. Cook
for one hour, let the
squash cool and then
scoop out the pulp and
cut into smaller pieces.
3 In a frying pan, sautee
two leeks, cleaned and
chopped, in three table-
spoons butter. Use
mostly the white part
of the leeks. Add four
teaspoons minced fresh
ginger and sautee for
eight minutes.
4 In a soup pot, stir in
the squash and four
cups of vegetable stock.
Add the leek and ginger
mixture. Bring to a
simmer and cook for
20 minutes. Add one
teaspoon of salt. Using
a blender, puree the
soup until smooth.
5 At this point, you can
add more vegetable
stock to achieve a
desired thickness. Then
the soup will be ready
for serving.
With two vegetarian sons, that was a question that needed to be answered. It was time to add another dish to our holiday table that was simple, satisfying and welcomed by all.
We use vegetable stock but chicken broth is also an option. Vegetable oil can be used instead of butter. We prefer butter. If you like, you can add more butter than what’s listed in the recipe. Believe me, no one will complain.