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IPO honors Bulgaria as part of Nov. 18 concert lineup

The Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) has added a salute to Bulgaria to its lineup for the 7:30 p.m. concert on Nov. 18. 
The program is at Ozinga Chapel, 6601 W. College Drive, on the campus of Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights.
IPO’s new director, Stilian Kirov, is a native of Bulgaria, and he has included works that will be given in honor of Rumen Radev, president of the Republic of Bulgaria, who will serve as the European Union’s president in the first half of 2018. The IPO will perform  “Improvisation and Toccata” by Bulgarian composer Pancho Vladigerov.
Kirov says this additional work to the program is “a little gift I bring from my native Bulgaria that is very much in the Romantic spirit.” 
“Bulgaria has always been very proud of its history, cultural achievements and talented people,” said Ivan Anchev, consul general of Bulgaria in Chicago. “It is through music that we can present Bulgaria at its finest.”
Also on the program, guest organist David Schrader joins the orchestra for Copland’s “Symphony for Organ and Orchestra.” This piece features Ozinga Chapel’s impressive 46-rank pipe organ in a three movement American work that moves from contemplative to energetic to unrelenting with many shades of emotion in between.
A longtime faculty member at Roosevelt University, Schrader has performed with Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Grant Park Symphony Orchestra and Dallas Symphony Orchestra and has numerous recording credits.
Completing the evening is Shostakovich’s “Symphony No. 5” displaying Shostakovich’s genius in composing according to strict Soviet nationalistic standards while still revealing shadows of the human despair that hover below the melodic surface.
A 6:25 to 6:50 p.m. pre-concert question and answer session will be given by Schrader and Trinity Christian College Professor Helen Van Wyck and hosted by IPO board member Charles Amenta. 
Tickets can be purchased in advance through ipomusic.org or from the box office the evening of the performance. For additional information call 708-481-7774.

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