The Village of Homewood Board of Trustees will hold an informational meeting about home rule at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Marie Irwin Center, 18120 Highland Ave. in Homewood.
The village is proposing to put the question of home rule before voters in a March 2018 referendum. Illinois communities with a population of 25,000 or more are automatically home rule communities. Because Homewood’s population is under 20,000 the question must be decided by residents.
The informational meeting will begin with a short presentation on home rule, then the floor will be opened for questions from the audience.
The mayor and trustees, village staff, representatives from School Districts 153, 233 and 161, along with the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District and Homewood Public Library will be available to answer questions.
Village officals note that information about home rule has been posted on the village website and more will be added. The amount of information about home rule exceeds what the village can reasonably post on its website, so officials encourage residents to educate themselves by conducting their own research in addition to the information provided by the village.
There are pros and cons to home rule and residents should consider both sides equally, officials said in a news release. It’s the intention of the village to post information on both the pros and cons. Printed information is also available at the village hall.
Residents are also encouraged to contact village board members and the village manager with any questions they may have. Residents are welcome to meet with Mayor Richard Hofeld in the village hall lobby Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. No appointment is necessary.
Residents who would like to meet with Village Manager Jim Marino can call 708-206-3377 to schedule a meeting, or they can call Marino directly at 708-206-3378 if they prefer a telephone conversation.
Email addresses:
Mayor Rich Hofeld, [email protected]
Village Manager Jim Marino, [email protected]
Larry Burnson, [email protected]
Anne Colton, [email protected]
Barbara Dawkins, [email protected]
Jay Heiferman, [email protected]
Lisa Purcell, [email protected]
Karen Washington, [email protected]