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9 Hart musicians selected for festival performance

  District 153 student musicians performing
  at the IMEA District 1 Festival on Saturday are,
  from left, Kaitlyn Bolton-Shannon, band;
  Sophia Hinich, orchestra; Logan Rotkovich,
  orchestra; Amelia Schlismann, choir; Korey
  Mulling, choir; Dylan Barnas, choir; and
  Alex Bertucci, choir.
(Provided photos)

Nine students from Homewood District 153 have been selected to perform at Saturday’s Illinois Music Educators Association District 1 Festival.

  Ellie Wojcikowski, left,
  and Isabella Jackson,
  choir members at James
  Hart Junior High, will
  be participating in the
  Illnois Music Educators
  Association District 1
  Festival on Saturday,
  Nov. 4.


The program starts at 3 p.m. at Lincoln-Way Central High School, 1601 E. Lincoln Highway in New Lenox.

Performers are choir members Dylan Barnas, Alex Bertucci, Isabella Jackson, Korey Mulling, Amelia Schlismann and Ellie Wojcikowski; band member Kaitlyn Bolton-Shannon; and orchestra members Sophia Hinich and Logan Rotkovich.
Hundreds of students auditioned to be selected for the festival. The James Hart School students performed solo works for judges. Being selected places them among the top musicians from approximately 60 schools in District 1.

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