IW Art 2014-10-18 156
Local News

Art show at Izaak Walton Nov 4 and 5

The Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve, 1100 Ridge Road, is hosting its annual art show Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 4 and 5.

  Patrons browse artwork during the 2014 
  Izaak Walton art show.
(Chronicle file photo)

The Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve, 1100 Ridge Road, is hosting its annual art show Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 4 and 5.

Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, with entertainment by local band “Work in Progress” from 2 to 4 p.m. Hours on Sunday are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
At the Senior Cabin, a variety of artistic creations will be on display and available for sale, including paintings, photography, silk screens and more. 

A group of third-grade artists from the Churchill School Visual Arts Program in Homewood will be exhibiting their painted torn paper landscapes inspired by the National Park Service art collection. 

The show is a great opportunity to come out to the preserve for a stroll along five miles of prairie, lake or woodland trails, according to Izaak Walton officials.

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