Local News

Apollo Park buildings defaced with hateful graffiti

Vandals spray painted graffiti on buildings at Apollo Park in Homewood this week.
Homewood-Flossmoor Park District Executive Director Debbie Kopas said the hateful drawings and words were discovered on the concession building when park district staff did their daily rounds of garbage pick-up. The vandalism occurred between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.
She said a resident also notified the park district of the damage and Homewood police were notified.
Park district staff painted over the graffiti within two hours of its discovery, Kopas said.
The shed for Homewood Baseball & Softball at Apollo Park also was hit with graffiti. Volunteers cleaned up the destruction.

“We see small amounts of graffiti periodically and we deal with it swiftly,” Kopas said. “I’m not aware of any other incidents with the racial and hate undertones that we saw this week,” that included swastikas, references to the Klu Klux Klan and derogatory names for minorities.

There are lights in the Apollo parking lots and under the pavilion, Kopas said.
Homewood Police have not yet responded to a request for additional information.

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