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Local author is guest presenter at Professional Women’s Network

Kim Olver will be the guest speaker at Wine and Words, the Professional Women’s Network program at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 12, at Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery, 1035 Sterling Ave.
Olver, of Country Club Hills, will discuss her new book, “Choosing Me Now: Letting Go of What Doesn’t Work to Make Room for What Does.”  Olver wrote the book to help readers get to know themselves better and to align actions with their values. She will discuss the major points of the book and help participants understand why taking care of themselves first is critical. She is the creator of the Choice Coaching Program and founder and president of Coaching for Excellence, LLC.
For more information on the Professional Women’s Network, visit pwncentral.com. For more information on Olver, visit therelationshipcenter.biz. 

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