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Final seal approved to prevent leaks at Flossmoor reservoir

As a reservoir rehab project nears its finish, Flossmoor officials Monday took one final step to prevent future leaks in the 3 million gallon water storage tank.

The village board hired Michels Pipe Services of Montgomery to seal the concrete water tank after other repairs have been completed at the reservoir, located just north of Vollmer Road and west of the Metra railroad tracks. Board members unanimously approved a $25,000 contract for the work. They waived the bidding process due to the emergency nature of the repairs.

Another firm, TECORP Inc., has been working this summer to fix cracks in the reservoir, which was built in the 1960s. The reservoir is Flossmoor’s largest water storage structure and is designed to provide a three-day supply of drinking water. The village uses about 1 million gallons of water every day.


Because of the leaks, about 25,000 gallons of water have spilled out of the reservoir every day.

Tony Anczer, Flossmoor’s assistant public works director, told the board that previously undetected leaks were recently discovered where the reservoir’s wall and floor come together. The new leaks, he said, are much smaller than the cracks that caused most of the problems at the reservoir.

The new leaks are located where a rubber strip is in place between the wall and floor of the circular reservoir. Parts of that strip – which acts like a gasket – have worn away, causing the smaller leaks, Anczer said. The leaks were discovered during a test of the reservoir following the main repairs.

Anczer said TECORP is not experienced in repairing leaks between the wall and floor and that a different contractor is needed for that part of the project. Michels, a national company, has a division that specializes in such repairs, he said.

The village board awarded a $137,000 contract to TECORP in April. At that time, the Public Works Department also asked for an additional 20 percent of the project cost — $27,400 – to pay for any additional expenses that come up during construction. That money will be used to pay Michels, Anczer said.

Michels will install grout in the area between the wall and floor. Once sealed, the joint will be covered with one inch of concrete and a final coat of epoxy. The work is expected to take four days.

Mayor Paul Braun said he believes that $25,000 for four days work “sounds high.” Anczer said some of the materials that will be used to seal the leaks are very expensive and that Michels is the only company in the region that provides such a service.

Once the sealing is finished, the village will conduct further tests to make sure there are no more leaks and that the reservoir is safe for storing drinking water. The reservoir is expected to be back on line in two or three weeks.

The reservoir has been empty for six weeks. During that time, Anczer said, there has been no interruption in Flossmoor’s water delivery system. Besides the reservoir, the village’s water supply is stored in three overhead tanks.

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