“Jackie & Me,” a play for children that tells the story of Jackie Robinson, will be staged by theater students at Homewood-Flossmoor High School on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 27 and 28.
Both presentations are at 7 p.m. in the school’s Mall Auditorium. Tickets are $9 for adults, $6 for students and senior citizens.
The play tells the story of Joey Stoshack, a Little Leaguer who has a special power to travel through time by holding a baseball card and concentrating really hard. When he’s given a school assignment to write a paper on Jackie Robinson, it only makes sense for him to head back to 1947 and meet the famous baseball player who broke the color barrier in major league baseball.
During his journey, Joey experiences what it’s like to be African-American during a time of segregation.
The production will be directed by Jill Bonavia-Galligani, H-F English and Fine Arts teacher. She will be assisted by students Darrow Richmond, Kaila Chambliss and Sheri Tarrer.
Cast members are Charles Austin, Grace Bingham, Barbara Burns, Siara Carpenter, Kaila Chambliss, Max Cichon, Joey Cipriano, Ariel Davis, Kieran Hanley, Jackson Johnson, Ava Jones, Nate Jones, Sam Jones.
Michael Kennedy, Jonathan Kriarakis, Leanna Lewis, Amber Mahki, Charlotte McManus, Ariel Mitchell, Mia Napue, Noelle Oh, Darrione Polk, Ally Ryan, Matt Ryan, Haley Sawyer, Greta Schmidt, Jada Seaton, Zora Shannon, Sheri Tarrer, Kevin Thompson, Carrington Valentine, Brianna Valentine, Joy Woods.
“Jackie & Me” is based on the book by Dan Gutman and produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Co. of Woodstock, Ill.