Infrastructure. Economic development. Finances. Diversity. Housing.
Flossmoor village officials are expected to focus on those five areas in a municipal strategic plan that will be in place for the next five years.
Village board members got their first look at the proposed strategic plan at the Aug. 7 meeting. It’s likely that the board will conduct one additional meeting to fine-tune the plan’s timeline. After that, the board needs to approve the plan, which is still a draft document.
Mayor Paul Braun told the H-F Chronicle that the strategic plan is likely to be approved in the next month and that implementation will begin this year.
“We’ll be moving ahead right away,” Braun said, especially in the areas of finances, economic development and infrastructure.
Braun and the village board say that the strategic plan is a blueprint for the future and that the five key areas need to be strong so that Flossmoor can move forward.
The plan recognizes that Flossmoor needs to maintain its infrastructure — streets, sewers, water delivery system and other components. Economic development efforts will focus on bringing more businesses to town, and supporting those that are already here. With additional businesses, the village’s finances will improve. As a diverse community, Flossmoor aims to be inclusive for all its families. And the plan recognizes that Flossmoor’s exceptional housing stock is a key strength in the community.
Consultant Lee Crumbaugh presented the draft plan to the board. The plan was developed after residents took part in a May survey gauging Flossmoor’s strengths and weaknesses; more than 1,000 residents completed the survey. Crumbaugh also conducted two public meetings at which residents offered their opinions on what the village needs to do. The village board also held two special meetings that dealt solely with the strategic plan.
Crumbaugh said Flossmoor has an opportunity to “drive change” by implementing the shared vision in the strategic plan.
As the plan is implemented, he said, the village can set targets, track progress, make revisions and set dates for assessment.
“You’ve got to own it,” he said. “It’s got to be your implementation plan.”
Braun said he wants to make it clear that the vision behind the plan is meant to extend beyond 2022.
“We wouldn’t want the community to think this is a shared vision for just the next five years,” he said.
Overall, Braun said he was pleased with the draft that Crumbaugh presented Monday.
“It’s a road map on how we can move forward,” he said.