183rd St
Local News

Board approves lease for sewer cleaner, truck in Homewood

The Homewood village board approved a lease for a new storm sewer cleaner at its June 13 meeting. The village also approved funding to replace a portion of fencing along 183rd Street just west of the viaduct that was damaged in a traffic accident.

The Homewood village board approved a lease for a new storm sewer cleaner at its June 13 meeting.
The new Vactor will replace the 2004 Vac Con vehicle. The Vactor is is a similar cleaner but has more durable parts. It also replaces over 50 moving parts with a single piston. 
  Temporary fencing was 
  installed along 183rd 
  Street west of the viaduct 
  after a traffic accident 
  damaged the permanent 
(Photo by Eric 
  Crump/H-F Chronicle)

The current machine is beyond its useful years and has already required $27,000 in repairs, Director of Public Works John Schaefer said in a memo to Village Manager Jim Marino. Repairs for the new Vactor can be made in University Park, while the Vac Con had to be sent to Florida.

Public works will buy the cleaner through the National Joint Powers Alliance cooperative purchasing program from Standard Equipment Company for $378,030. NJPA is a contracting agency.
Money for the new machine was set aside in the 2017-18 budget. 
The village bundled the lease with the purchase of a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado for $38,196.06. The truck will replace a 2002 truck used as a utility vehicle by the fire department. 
Bundling the two allowed Homewood to secure better financing through Tax Exempt Leasing Corp, of Libertyville. The five-year lease has a 2.85 percent interest rate for annual payments of $87,988.31. The total finance charge over the life of the lease will be $23,715.47. Quotes were also given by BMO Harris Bank and First Midwest Bank.
Dralle Chevrolet of Peotone was the lowest of three dealerships to submit bids for the truck.
The board also approved emergency funding for curb replacement.
A car collided with decorative fencing along 183rd Street on May 16, causing concrete and fence damage that will cost $39,526.42 to repair, according to a memo from Director of Finance Dennis Bubenik. The funding increases the village’s curb replacement budget to $52,537.
The village will pursue reimbursement for the cost of repairs will be from the driver’s insurance company.
Village President Richard Hofeld’s Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund eligibility was renewed. The board is required to vote on renewal for elected positions participation every two years.
IMRF eligibility requires 1,000 hours each year and the village president occupies the only elected position in Homewood meeting that requirement. 

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