With the first significant snowfall predicted for tonight and tomorrow, it’s time for local residents to get back into winter habits.
With the first significant snowfall predicted for tonight and tomorrow, it’s time for local residents to get back into winter habits.
force Sunday, and village
officials are reminding H-F
residents to park vehicles
off the street to help snow
removal crews clear the
streets. (Chronicle 2015
file photo)
Homewood and Flossmoor both implement street parking restrictions whenever more than 2 inches of snow falls. Forecasters on Saturday were predicting the area could receive 6 to 10 inches of snow by Sunday night.
Getting vehicles off the streets helps snow removal crews work faster and more efficiently in their efforts to keep streets passable during and after snowstorms, according to village officials.
Homewood officials acknowledge that the parking restriction can be difficult for apartment-dwellers to comply with.
Dave Ebert, assistant director of public works, said downtown residents without accessible off-street parking are invited to use the village lot at 18136 Dixie Highway, the former site of Savoia T’Go restaurant.
In an email alert from Flossmoor on Friday village officials noted that plowing priorites are:
- Central Business District
- Principal arterial streets
- Collector streets and parking lots
- Local through streets
- Cul-de-sacs and alleys
Officials in both villages also ask residents to clear sidewalks at their homes as a courtesy to pedestrians. Snow should not be shoveled into the street, however.
Snow removal from village streets includes some inconvenient side effects, including snow spread by plows onto already-shoveled driveways.
Homewood Mayor Richard Hofeld reminded residents of a tip for reducing that effect. When shoveling the driveway, remove snow 10 to 15 feet away from the driveway in the direction from which plows are most likely to come. That provides space for plow blades to deposit some excess snow before passing the driveway.