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Public meetings on H-F principal set for Nov. 22

The public will have three opportunities on Tuesday, Nov. 22, to offer input on the next principal at Homewood-Flossmoor High School.

BWP and Associates, the consulting firm assisting District 233 with the principal search, will conduct public forums at 8 a.m., and 5:30 and 7 p.m. in the high school TLC computer labs near the Kedzie Avenue entrance.

Jodi Bryant, director of human resources and public relations, said the firm is interested “in hearing from all stakeholders and focus groups to build a candidate profile” that will be used to find the next principal.


The consultants also will be meeting with teams of faculty, staff and students during the school day.

Ryan Pitcock was relieved of his duties as principal on June 21. The school board decided to not immediately replace him but to conduct a national search for a new principal. The principal’s duties are being handled by various administrators this year.

The firm plans to solicit comment through an online survey that the community will be able to access through the H-F website.

The board hopes to have candidates for consideration by January, and to make a name a new principal shortly afterward, Bryant said.

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