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Search firm hired to seek out best candidate for H-F principal

The search for the next Homewood-Flossmoor High School principal has begun now that the school board has selected BWP and Associates as its consultant.

The firm laid out a plan last week to begin meeting with H-F constituencies, and has already posted the position on its own website and other pertinent websites and education publications, said Jodi Bryant, director of human resources and public relations.

H-F is operating without a principal this year after the school board relieved Ryan Pitcock of the position, although he is receiving a salary for the 2016-17 school year under the terms of his contract. He had served as principal for eight years before the board voted 5-2 to release him on June 21.


BWP has a team of four working with H-F. Team member Phillip Ehrhardt will make a presentation outlining the firm’s work at the Nov. 15 H-F school board meeting.

BWP will conduct a community meeting sometime in mid-November “to give all stakeholders time to offer their input and feedback,” Bryant said. A date for the meeting has not been set.

The consultants plan to develop teams of stakeholders from students, staff, teachers, community members and organizations. The firm plans to solicit comment through an online survey that the community will be able to access through the H-F website.

The firm has a goal of developing a profile for the H-F principal to help “identify the right candidate” for the job, Bryant said.

The consultants will do the candidate screening from a national pool and select four to six prime candidates who will visit H-F for interviews.

The search is under the direction of the school board’s Personnel Committee headed by Gerald Pauling, with committee members Jody Scariano and Tim Wenckus. They also will look for input from all board members as the Committee of the Whole.

The board has not set a salary scale for the principal’s position. Bryant said salary will be “commensurate to experience.”


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