Homewood trustees 2016-09-27 069
Local News

Homewood trustees welcome new deputy police chief, honor retiring staff member

  Allison Sewell, center, pins insignia on her father’s 
  uniform after Richard Sewell was sworn in as Homewood 
  deputy police chief. His wife, Marcy, looks on.
  by Quincy Crump/H-F Chronicle)

When Bill Alcott was promoted to Homewood police chief earlier this year, that left an opening for a deputy chief. At the board of trustees meeting Tuesday night, Sgt. Richard Sewell took the oath of office to fill that role.

Alcott introduced Sewell to the board, providing a summary of his career.

Sewell started his law enforcement career in Harvey after serving in the U.S. Navy. In Harvey, he served as a patrol officer, field training officer, SWAT officer and member of the honor guard, Alcott said. 

From 2000 to 2005 Sewell served as a patrol officer, range officer, patrol sergeant and member of the honor guard for the village of Thornton. 


He joined the Homewood Police Department in 2005 and has served as a patrol officer, tactical officer, detective, patrol sergeant and sergeant of detectives. He is certified in more than 50 law enforcement skills and is certified as an instructor in several. 

  Homewood Village President 
  Richard Hofeld, left, 
  congratulates Dorothy 
  Johnson on her retirement 
  from the village as Village 
  Manager Jim Marino and 
  trustees Karen Washingon, 
  Lisa Purcell and Barbara 
  Dawkins look on.

He is a 2015 graduate of the Northwestern School of Police Staff and Command. He currently is studying for his bachelor’s degree in public safety administration at Calumet College of St. Joseph.

After he took the oath of office, Sewell’s daughter, Allison, pinned his new insignia on his shoulders, and his wife, Marcy, pinned his new badge to his uniform. His mother-in-law, Gege Doyle, joined them during the ceremony.

“I appreciate being selected to this position. It is an honor,” he said. He gave special thanks to fellow police officers gathered in the board room for the ceremony. “I appreciate everything you do … making Homewood safe.”

Trustees also honored Dorothy J. Johnson on her retirement from village government. 

Village Manager Jim Marino introduced Johnson and read a resolution honoring her service. 

After retiring from the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago, Johnson joined the village Finance Department staff in 2007, Marino said.

Since 2008 she served in the code enforcement office.

The resolution noted her courage in combating breast cancer and her efforts in raising awareness about the disease. She has been active in fundraising and counseling services through the Cancer Support Center.

The resolution also lauded her positive attitude, “exceptional customer service, her diligence in finding solutions and her organizational skills.”

In other business, the board approved a number of appointments to village advisory boards, including:

  • Nelson Grant to the Appearance Commission for a term ending Sept. 27, 2019.
  • Kathy Austin, Annielois Evans and Raymond Pierre to the Senior Advisory Committee for terms ending Sept. 23, 2019. 
  • Julius Davenport to the Fire and Police Commission for a term ending Oct. 1, 2019.
  • Philip Kosanovich to the Community Relations Commission for a term ending Aug. 31, 2019.
  • Dexter Johnson to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term ending Sept. 27, 2021.

The Oct. 11 meeting of the board has been cancelled for Yom Kippur. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 p.m. in Village Hall, 2020 Chestnut Road.

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