Local News

Thornton High alumni military veterans being honored

Thornton Township High School alumnus and Navy veteran Tom Dreesen will be the master of ceremonies for a special Nov. 12 program for veterans who attended Thornton Township High School.

The “welcome home” event at the high school is open to all who attended or graduated from the school who are veterans and their families.

The program will begin at 11:30 a.m. with a tour of the high school. Registration opens at noon.

The program officially opens at 1 p.m. Dreesen, a nationally recognized comedian who regularly comes back to support events in the South Suburbs, will lead the tribute to all Thornton Township High students who have served from World War I through Iraq and Afghanistan, whether living or deceased. The auditorium is handicapped accessible.


Registration for this free event is being accepted by [email protected] and should be made by Sept. 1. Information is at www.tthslegacyfund.com

Editor’s note: Clarification added to emphasize that the event is open to any veteran who attended Thornton High School. It’s not necessary to be a graduate of the school.

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