
Ingalls Hospital Laboratory Job Fair March 4

Allie Ellis, center, writes the answer provided by
friends Sean Smith and Laura Forbes at the Fandom
Trivia event.
(Photos by Marilyn Thomas/H-F Chronicle)

There were some groans, some laughs and a lot of enjoyment at the Homewood Public Library’s first Fandom Trivia event March 11.

While many would immediately write the answer, more than once a player would ponder the question and sit stunned, uttering: “I know this!” despite the answer form being blank.

The team calling itself “60% of the Time, We’re Right Every Time” walked away with the victory after, ironically, answering 60 percent of the questions correctly.

  Josh and Andrea Eisenberg
  ponder over a question at
  Fandom Trivia.

“We were open minded when it came time to trade-and-grade (for scoring) and were very surprised that we won,” said team captain Barry Latham who played with teammates Mark Dykstra, Gary Medema, Adam Zylstra and Bill Schepel, all of Homewood.

“We are all kind of passive observers of pop culture,” Latham noted, “but each brought some strengths to the game.”

They were able to answer questions such as:

From the Hunger Games: During the Quarter Quell, what does Wiress realize before anyone else?

From Harry Potter: Which potion smells differently to everyone?

From Sherlock: What type of hat was Sherlock famous for wearing?

About 40 interested trivia fans, most playing as teams, packed Grape & Grain for the event that asked for answers on heroes, villains, settings, costumes and a random category.

Questions were composed by librarians Ashley Sander and Tori Alt who drew on their knowledge of movies in the Marvel cinematic universe, and the Harry Potter, Star Wars and Hunger Games series, along with BBC-produced television shows Sherlock and Dr. Who.

It took them several months to put the program together. Sander said they will probably do another trivia event, but aren’t sure what the theme will be.

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