Monday’s passage of a compromise school funding bill in the Illinois House was “20 years in the making,” state Rep. Will Davis said.
Tag: state education funding
Speaker Madigan says compromise bill will help school kids
After the Illinois House of Representatives approved a new funding formula for schools Monday, Aug. 28, House Speaker Michael J. Madigan issued the following statement: “Today we saw compromise. Instead of pitting children and communities against each other, Democrats and Republicans came to an agreement on much of what’s in[Read More…]
by State Rep. Michael Madigan Comments are Disabled
Sen. Hutchinson votes to override veto on school funding
Illinois Sen. Toi Hutchinson, D – Chicago Heights, who represents Flossmoor in the Illinois legislature, released the following statement Sunday, Aug. 13, after voting to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of historic school funding reform contained in Senate Bill 1. “For decades, Illinois students have suffered under a system of[Read More…]
by Provided News Comments are Disabled
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