Tag: restaurants

Restaurants 2020-12-18 003

Homewood attracting restaurants despite pandemic

In spite of the ongoing pandemic, Homewood diners will have four new choices available in the coming months, including 1) the Saucy Crab at 17620 Halsted St., 2) EmpanadUs at 1941 Ridge Road, 3) Don Goyo at 17536 Dixie Highway, and 4) Pita at 18155 Dixie Highway. (Eric Crump/H-F Chronicle)  

Video gaming authorized to expand in Homewood

More businesses will be allowed to have gambling machines in Homewood after the village board passed a new ordinance Tuesday.  Any bars or restaurants that have been in the village for at least four years and already hold liquor licenses can now apply for video gaming machines. Homewood has six[Read More…]


Vegging Out: ​Vegan and plant-based diets gaining popularity in the suburbs

  Enjoying their dining experience that included roasted  tomato soup at La Voute bistro-bar in Homewood are,  from left, Vivian Amos, Marie Jasica, Henry Jasica,  Carl Boyens, Kathy Boyens and Darlene Obejda.   (Photo by Mary Compton/H-F Chronicle)  With obesity rates at an all-time high and heart-disease, diabetes and other health conditions on the rise,[Read More…]

Homewood modifies liquor license for Redbird Cafe

The Homewood village board approved an ordinance establishing a new type of liquor license for Redbird Cafe.  The Class 7B license allows on-premises consumption of beer and wine only. It does not allow alcohol carry out or video gaming. No more than 25 percent of Redbird’s yearly receipts can be[Read More…]

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