Curbside recycling is easy, but what about disposing of material that doesn’t qualify for curbside pickup, like Styrofoam packing peanuts and old computers? Homewood Business Association’s effort being led by Sarah Tozer of Gaia Market & Refillery, is making it easier to get junk to the recycler during April. The[Read More…]
Tag: recycling
Recycling kits help educate students remotely
Homewood Disposal recycling kits have helped local kids learn about environmental responsibility through the pandemic. (Provided photo) Though classroom teaching has mostly been virtual this past year, Homewood Disposal did not slow down on implementing recycling education. The company distributed Recycling Education Toolkits to the communities it serves so students[Read More…]
Coping with COVID: April 12
Virtual theater coming Wednesday, courtesy of 23 Miles South. Senior shopping service starts, sponsored by the village of Homewood and St. Joseph Athletic Association. Flossmoor cancels Recyclepalooza. The peak is not the end.
Banishing plastic: Local residents and businesses ditch single-use plastics for reusable, compostable materials
To put it casually, all the plastic we’ve produced is really starting to pile up. A more serious sort of person might say we’re facing a global plastics crisis. People concerned about the environment are reckoning their plastics usage to reduce their reliance and shift to more sustainable materials.
Recyclepalooza helps residents dispose of difficult-to-recycle items
Even people who routinely recycle might find it difficult to dispose of those things that can’t be placed curbside, but they want to handle things responsibly. That’s where Recyclepalooza comes in.
Recycling revamp: Taking a fresh look at a maturing environmental practice
It’s been nearly 30 years since Homewood Disposal Service began curbside pickup of recyclables. Much has changed, but the community remains committed to this aspect of environmental stewardship.
Events focus on saving the environment and celebrating Earth Day
As the nation prepares for the annual Earth Day celebration on April 22, several programs in the Homewood-Flossmoor area are providing information and ways to celebrate special efforts to recognize how to be environmentally kind to the earth. The Flossmoor Public Library and the Flossmoor Green Commission are presenting two[Read More…]
Used cell phones helping to underwrite SSFS services
That old cell phone may be a cast-off to you, but it can be of benefit to South Suburban Family Shelter, a nonprofit organization offering assistance to those affected by domestic violence. “The fundraising potential is limitless,” said Vicki Meilach, community outreach coordinator at SSFS. “We work with a company[Read More…]
Green goes orange: Pumpkin Smash is Saturday
The HF Area Green Committee is offering an easy way to dispose of Halloween pumpkins. Bring them to “Pumpkin Smash 2017” from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Coyote Run Golf Course, 800 Kedzie Ave. in Flossmoor. Anyone who brings pumpkins will have a chance to toss them into a dumpster.[Read More…]
Electronics recycling offered at Homewood village hall on Saturday, other services scheduled in coming weeks
Homewood officials announced this week that several popular services for residents are scheduled for coming weeks, including paper shredding, electronics recycling, prescription drug disposal and branch chipping. Electronics recycling, 8 to 11 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 26. Computers, printers, monitors, cell phones, CD drives, server equipment and peripherals will be accepted.[Read More…]