Tag: golf

Coyote Run Golf Course continues to see increase in rounds played

Enthusiasm for golf remains high at the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District’s Coyote Run Golf Course in Flossmoor. Tom Denklau, golf course manager, reported to the H-F Park District’s board of commissioners that Coyote Run’s number of rounds was up 23.2% year-to-date through August. That’s a higher number than the 11.3% national[Read More…]

IDPH covid new cases 2020-05-01

Coping with COVID: May 1

Homewood reaches 160 COVID-19 cases and the village’s rate exceeds 800 per 100,000 people. The state sets a new record for cases in a 24-hour period. Golf resumes Friday after a temporary ban and golfers hit the links.

Golf at Coyote Run 2019-01-05 006

Golfers get a very early start on 2019 season at Coyote Run

Once upon a time, golfers had to endure long golfless winters or travel to warmer climes to play. Not this year. Homewood-Flossmoor Park District’s Coyote Run Golf Course was open Saturday, Jan. 5, and golfers came out to enjoy rounds in sunshine and temperatures in the low 50s.

H-F High Foundation golf outing Sept. 7

The Homewood-Flossmoor High School Foundation will host a golf outing and dinner and afterward join H-F supporters to celebrate H-F’s homecoming on Sept. 7.  The golf outing is the major fundraiser for the foundation each year. In 2017-18, the foundation awarded $24,000 in grants to student organizations.  The day’s events[Read More…]

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