
A look back: September 2019

Students and staff at Marian Catholic High School have begun using the VOLO app as another layer of caution against the COVID-19 virus.

Students started the fall semester Aug. 24. The high school is on a hybrid model with students rotating days of attendance. In addition, some students selected a remote learning schedule.

Those at the Chicago Heights campus initially were asked a series of questions at the front door and had a temperature check.

With the VOLO app, students and staff are answering a series of health questions via email or mobile phone. Every morning, students and staff members receive a link to a brief health survey consisting of approximately five questions asking about their health and COVID-19 symptoms. 

After completing the survey, individuals receive a customized instruction page. A green check mark confirms the student or staff member may return to school where they will have their temperature taken. A red caution symbol means they will not be permitted to enter the building. All students and staff are required to show the results of their survey to the person taking temperatures before their temperature is taken.

To date, no student or staff member has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.

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