Idris Akeeb shares a story with Iris and Xavier Mohead during the MLK Day of Service Readers are Leaders event on Jan. 20. (Chris Weber/H-F Chronicle)
Feature, Sports

H-F High wrestlers read to kids for MLK Day

For the third year, the Homewood-Flossmoor High School wrestling team invited children to a Readers are Leaders event on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The team also collected books to share, swap or donate to local organizations.

The wrestlers spent their morning off school for the holiday reading stories to the children. They followed the stories with a good deal of roughhousing in the padded wrestling room. The kids seemed to love the attention from the high schoolers, and their parents appreciated the opportunity for their children to burn off some energy on a cold winter day.  

“It is always important for kids to interact and be social,” said wrestler R.J. Robinson. “It’s fun to teach kids.”

Jim Sokoloski, H-F’s Varsity head wrestling coach, said the idea for the event was conceived with help from community members Stephanie Wright and Maggie Bachus.


“I wanted to do something unique,” said Sokoloski. “We have this huge room and wonderful facilities. Our guys love it, and I hope it continues long after I am gone.” 

Coach and Homewood-Flossmoor science teacher Evan Roberts said the event is great for the wrestlers and the kids. “We know the importance of literacy, and this event communicates that value,” he said. “First and foremost, we are here to help kids learn.”

Roberts and Sokoloski stressed that the wrestling coaches at H-F are primarily educators who are heavily invested in the community. Roberts has been writing books for children and young adults since 2015. Inspired by his son, his books were displayed at the event, and he planned to donate them to the community.

Chazz Robinson reads a book to Maxwell Weber at the Readers are Leaders event, part of Flossmoor's MLK Day of Service event on Jan. 20. (Chris Weber/H-F Chronicle)
Chazz Robinson reads a book to Maxwell Weber at the Readers are Leaders event, part of Flossmoor’s MLK Day of Service event on Jan. 20. (Chris Weber/H-F Chronicle)

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