If you’ve ever thought about being on the ice enjoying a game that doesn’t require ice skates, curling is for you.
See this Olympic sport up close and personal on Monday, Jan. 27, when a friendly competition between two teams happens at the H-F Ice Arena, 777 Kedzie Ave. Spectators are welcome between 6:45 and 8:45 p.m. to watch from the bleachers as the H-F Curling League teams battle it out, sweeping the ice to get their rock into the winner’s circle.
“It’s a nice opportunity for the community to see curling in action,” said Debbie Buchanan, of Kankakee, who teaches the curling class with her husband, Scott.
The league, made up of players who have taken the course, has had competitions the last three weeks. Monday is the championship match.
The Buchanans will be there for the winner-take-all contest. Generally, there are four people on a team, but the Buchanans split that rule so that there are four teams. They used records and points scored to determine rankings.

The first place team Stone Cold Dads and third place team It’s Hammer Time are paired as one team for competition against the second place team Sweeping with the Enemy and fourth place team Curl Your Enthusiasm. However, only the first and second place teams are the actual competitors for the win, Scott said. The other two teams are there to help.
The equipment, provided by the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District, is available to eight players at a time.
Scott said 27 people have taken the course since they started their curling lessons in October. The Buchanans are hoping the interest remains strong so the H-F Curling League can continue.
They’ve planned a second league play in February for those already trained in curling, and another curling league play in March.
An opportunity to take a curling class will be offered in March. The sessions meet for two evenings and are two hours long. Dates haven’t been finalized. Call the H-F Ice Arena for information at 708-957-0100.