Homewood District 153 is accepting applications through Aug. 12 from persons interested in filling a vacancy on the school board. The person will service until May 2025.
Member Deb Havighorst resigned from the board position after serving for 16 years. The seat will be one of three seats open in the April 2025 school board election. A full term is four years.
The school board meets once a month and school board members serve on various board committees. The board sets policy for Willow, Churchill and James Hart Schools in Homewood.
Candidates must be a U.S. citizen, a registered voter and a resident of Illinois and District 153 for at least one year. In addition, candidates cannot be a child sex offender as defined by the Illinois Criminal Code.
Interested persons are asked to submit a letter of interest and a resume by email to [email protected] or present their letter and resume in person at the District 153 office at 18205 Aberdeen St. Questions can be directed to District 153 Superintendent Scott McAlister at 708-647-2320.
Once all applications are reviewed, the school board will schedule interviews with selected candidates and select a person to fill the vacancy.