Local News

Fratello’s Deli granted second sign variance

Homewood trustees approved a second sign variance Tuesday for Fratello’s Deli at 17929 S. Halsted St.

The deli’s second location in Homewood will be allowed to post signs in south-facing windows. The company had hoped to include signs in its east windows, too, but village staff expressed concerns about safety in case of an emergency if the east windows were obscured. 

The first variance allowed a second wall sign on the back side of the building. Staff said the deli’s location has difficult sight lines and is amid a number of other businesses that have received sign variances. Those reasons helped justify the variances.


The board also renewed a contract with Alfred G. Ronan Ltd. at $3,000 per month for lobbying services. According to the contract, Ronan will keep Homewood officials informed about state legislation and regulations that could affect the village. The firm also advises the village on appropriate responses when necessary.

In other business, the board approved:

  • The appointments of Timothy Biel and Daniel Wentworth to the village Ethics Committee. 
  • A measure designating all or part of closed session minutes from Nov. 26, 2013; July 12, 2016; July 24, 2017; and Nov. 28, 2017, as no longer designated confidential.
  • A measure authorizing the destruction of closed session recordings for Dec. 9, 2015 through April 15, 2016.
  • Annual reports from the Green Committee, Stormwater Resource Committee, Beautification Committee, Police Pension Board and Firefighter Pension Board. 
Several items on the agenda were deferred to a future meeting. 
  • A business incentive funding request from Vivek Pinto to help with the installation of a fire alarm system at 18673-18681 Dixie Highway was deferred at Pinto’s request, according to Mayor Richard Hofeld.
  • Two budget amendments, one to pay for a pump replacement at Water Plant No. 2 and one for the purchase of two police vehicles, were deferred because they require the presence of five trustees. Four trustees were present.
Hofeld noted that of the $719,751 in bills paid by the village, four items comprised 60 percent of the total: 
  • $89,000 for manifold pipe repairs in public works. 
  • $209,000 for one month’s employees’ health insurance.
  • $57,000 for public works floor and drain replacement.
  • $72,000 for Thorn Creek Basin Sanitary District services.
The next trustees’ meeting will is 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27, in village hall, 2020 Chestnut Road.

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