
Kindness helps smooth the way for special kids

  Equipment surrounds the 
  site of a gas leak in
  downtown Homewood on
  Friday morning. 

  (Photo by Quincy Crump/
  H-F Chronicle)

Traffic was blocked along two downtown Homewood streets for about four hours Friday, May 20, while Nicor Gas workers fixed a gas main leak.

The site of the leak was at the intersection of Ridge Road and Harwood Avenue, and an adjacent building was evacuated as a precaution, according to Homewood Fire Chief Bob Grabowski. 

A fire department crew was on scene for about two hours, also as a precaution, he said. 

A Nicor Gas worker said the leak was not a serious one and was repaired by late morning. 


Public Works officials said Ridge Road from Martin Avenue to Harwood Avenue and Harwood Avenue from Ridge to Hickory Road were closed to traffic until just before noon. 

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