A special interfaith Thanksgiving service will be conducted Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 7:30 p.m. at Flossmoor Community Church, 2218 Hutchinson Road in Flossmoor. The evening program is a meaningful celebration of thanks and gratitude hosted by Homewood-Flossmoor religious congregations. The Homewood-Flossmoor High School Viking Choir will sing several selections.
Tag: Thanksgiving
Open Access, partners help feed and clothe those in need with Turkey Day Giveaway
More than 1,100 south suburban families — about 4,500 people — will have a better Thanksgiving meal Thursday thanks to the Turkey Day Giveaway sponsored Tuesday by Open Access in Homewood. The sixth annual event has grown tremendously from its modest beginning at Open Access offices at 900 Maple Ave,[Read More…]
‘A fine idea’: Neighbors work together to solve a concrete problem
Editor’s note: Of all the factors that go into making a great community—businesses, schools, infrastructure and events—one of the most important doesn’t show up in the numbers, and that’s the neighbors we cherish. As Thanksgiving nears, we asked H-F residents to tell us stories about the neighbors who support them in ways large and small. This is one[Read More…]
For Kids: Learning the concept of ‘thank you’
The benefits and blessings of giving thanks We’re heading into a season with some definite themes of goodness, giving to others is highlighted. For children, witnessing those characteristics in others and having adults in their life that emphasize and reinforce those values goes a long way toward raising thoughtful, thankful citizens.
Our thanks to you!
By now, some of the side dishes — perhaps the cranberries, or sweet potatoes — may already be prepared. And you may be getting ready to put the turkey in the oven. There is a very good chance that you are already extremely busy. We want to interrupt your schedule for a[Read More…]