Tag: Sounds of Summer 2020

SSML Trail Mix recording 2020-07-17 035_CMYK

Acoustic collective Trail Mix pushed in new directions

Trail Mix is dead. Long live Trail Mix. The laid back acoustic music event was gearing up for its fifth annual series this summer at Izaak Walton Nature Preserve until the coronavirus pandemic made gathering in large groups inadvisable. Founder Steve Ploum and his crew sought a new way.

CovFeature QM video Kelly Campos July 2020_web

Quarantine Music video series mixes fun, inspiration

Amid the annoying disruptions of the pandemic there are also some disruptions of a more felicitous nature, like Anne Colton deciding to make music videos. The documentary filmmaker, in partnership with the Homewood Arts Council and South Sub Music Live, has released five music videos featuring local musicians.

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