Try being a carpenter without a hammer.Try being a plumber without a wrench.It doesn’t work well. Try being a student without a backpack, pens, pencils, erasers, folders, binders, glue sticks, scissors, pencil cases, markers, crayons, notebooks, index cards and highlighters.You Matter 2 aims to see that area students are well-equipped[Read More…]
Tag: school supplies
As back to school lists grow, parents have options in buying supplies
As students return to the classroom, back to school shopping can be overwhelming, pricey and time consuming. It’s not uncommon for kids, some as young as 6 or 7, to head to school with more than 20 required items – everything from pencils, crayons and markers to highlighters, folders, Ziploc bags,[Read More…]
by Haleigh Porter Comments are Disabled
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