Tag: Look back 2022

Look back: August 2022

With gun violence on the rise nationwide, the cover feature by Carole Sharwarko took a look at statistics and trends to get a better sense of how gun violence is affecting Homewood and Flossmoor, with perspectives from residents and police. Two stories reported on the killing of Madeline Miller on[Read More…]

Look back: July 2022

The cover feature story in July was a review of the switch in water source, a once-in-a-generation public works project. Homewood had purchased Lake Michigan water from Chicago via Harvey since the early 1980s. The village switched to lake water from Hammond via Chicago Heights, which required the construction of[Read More…]

Look back: June 2022

The main feature in the June edition took a look at Amtrak’s major renovation project on the west side of the Homewood train station. The $15 million project made the station more accessible with the addition of ramp access to boarding platforms. The Amtrak boarding platform was completely rebuilt and[Read More…]

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