Evan Roberson, a sixth grader at Parker Junior High, and Flossmoor resident Leonard Harris teamed up on Jan. 1 to handle the ceremonial duties for the last night of Kwanzaa. Stephanie Wright, Flossmoor community engagement manager, introduced Evan, who was honored by Mayor Michelle Nelson and the Board of Trustees in June[Read More…]
Tag: Kwanzaa 2023
Brown family serves as candle lighters for 6th night of Kwanzaa
Robert Brown, left, and his family lit the kinara on the sixth night of Kwanzaa. The theme of the night was Kuumba, or creativity, which reminds people to “do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial[Read More…]
St. Veronica’s children light the kinara on night 4 of Kwanzaa
On Dec. 29, Kwanzaa celebrations were in full swing at Flossmoor Park with the lighting of the town’s kinara by children from St. Veronica’s Parish in Flossmoor to commemorate the fourth night of the seven-day holiday. The theme for the fourth night, Ujamaa, means cooperative economics in Swahili. The celebration[Read More…]
Kwanzaa night 3: Evita McNeil-Dobson talks community collective responsibility
A small crowd gathered at Flossmoor Park on Dec. 28, the rainy third night of Kwanzaa, to celebrate the Ujima principle. The kinara was lit by Flossmoor Hills Elementary School Principal Evita McNeil-Dobson who spoke on how Ujima is important in every aspect of the H-F community, especially within education. [Read More…]
Amabel Crawford lights the Kwanzaa candle on the 2nd night
Before lighting the second candle on Flossmoor’s kinara on Dec. 27, Amabel Crawford, director of learning and instruction for Flossmoor School District 161, offered a few remarks about what Kwanzaa means to her. She said Kwanza is a time for her and her family to “reaffirm our values, how we[Read More…]
District 161 superintendent lights candle on 1st night of Kwanzaa to celebrate unity
Flossmoor School District 161 Superintendent Dana Smith said he was honored to light the first candle on the kinara in Flossmoor Park on Tuesday, Dec. 26, in part because the theme of the first night, umoja, or unity, is a value the district focuses on promoting with students. “We spend[Read More…]