H-F’s automotive classes are offered through the school’s Industrial Technology program. There are also multi-year sequences in engineering, manufacturing and welding. All are designed to teach valuable, 21st century skills for a rapidly changing workplace.
Tag: Cover story
Diane Cobban: Wildlife’s best friend
Wildlife expert Dianne Cobban of Homewood hugs her cat, Binks. Cobban rescued Binks out of a house in Park Forest whose owners moved and left her. (Photo by Mary Compton/H-F Chronicle) Editor’s note: This story first appeared as the cover feature in the Oct. 1, 2017, print edition of[Read More…]
The Hen Houses of Homewood
They can be found every day in stores and freezers in Homewood and are a common addition to dinner plates. And surprisingly, some local residents also have them in their backyards. Racheal Middleton is one of 18 Homewood residents raising chickens.