ILP: The Art of Foraging with Alexis Nikole Nelson

ILP: The Art of Foraging with Alexis Nikole Nelson

ILP: The Art of Foraging with Alexis Nikole Nelson

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Alexis Nikole Nelson is a forager and an outdoor educator using her platforms, TikTok account @alexisnikole and Instagram page @blackforager, to celebrate all the edible plants hiding in plain sight. She peels back historical layers on African American and Indigenous food traditions that have traditionally been repressed and empowers those living in food deserts with greater self- sufficiency. Nelson received the James Beard Award for “Best Social Media” 2022, was chosen for the Forbes 30 Under 30 list and as a TikTok Tastemaker, and was honored as part of Fortune Magazine’s Creator 25 in 2021. Nelson gave a TED Talk in 2022 and in 2023 joined the YouTube channel Crash Course to host a 15-episode botany series.


Date And Time

April 10, 2025 @ 07:00 PM



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