Local News

ice arena flooring bre 072717_web

Skate-resistant flooring coming to H-F Ice Arena

The H-F Ice Arena is getting new flooring in the main lobby that will increase durability, extend its lifespan and improve the center’s appearance. Homewood-Flossmoor Park District commissioners approved the expenditure July 18 that will expand the coverage of rubber tile and eliminate the area covered by carpet. The price won’t[Read More…]

New park district marquee sign coming to Dolphin Lake

A new color LED marquee will be installed on the corner of 183rd Street and Governors Highway due to the out-of-date technology of the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District’s current sign. The new sign will better advertise park programs, officials said at the July 18 park board meeting. Park commissioners approved a[Read More…]

Homewood considers measure limiting security grille styles

Homewood officials are proposing a change to building codes that would require businesses to use security grilles that meet the village’s aesthetic standards. Trustees will consider amending the village zoning ordinance to prohibit “unslightly accordian and scissor-style gates,” according to a memo from Fire Chief Bob Grabowski. He noted that[Read More…]

Hotdog Day EC 2017-07-21 034

Hot dogs for a hot day

It didn’t matter that Friday was a hot, lazy day in the middle of summer. It got better because it was the day to celebrate the 10th National Hot Dog Day. 

White Sox hosting Homewood-Flossmoor Day July 30

The H-F Summer Choir will open the day at the ball park singing the National Anthem as the Chicago White Sox mark Homewood-Flossmoor Family Day on Sunday, July 30.  The Sox will play the Cleveland Indians in the 1:10 p.m. game. Free water bottles will be given to the first[Read More…]

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