Need to pay a bill or have other business with the village of Homewood. Official offer updated in formation about how to conduct business with the village during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The village of Homewood issued an update on Tuesday outlining further service limitations design to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Residents who need to conduct business with the Water Division should pay water bills online; use the drop box in front of village hall, 2020 Chestnut Road; or telephone to pay by credit card. Call 708-798-3000.
Residents or contractors who need to conduct business with the Building Division and take advantage of online building permit applications. Bills can be paid online or by telephone with a credit card. Call 708-206-3856.
A limited number of building inspections may continue for time-sensitive inspections; all other inspections to be scheduled for after April 1.
Saturday hours for paying bills or conduct other transactions have been suspended until further notice. Past due vehicle stickers can be paid via telephone with a credit card.
“Meet the Mayor” sessions on Saturdays have been suspended until further notice.
Parking and Compliance Administrative Hearings previously scheduled for March 18 and April 15 have been tentatively rescheduled for May 20.
MOVE citations, building code violations, tow/impound and red light camera violations administrative hearings previously scheduled for April 7 have been tentatively scheduled for May 5.
As announced earlier, village hall, the Public Works Department’s Municipal Services Center and the Homewood Science Center remain closed to the general public. Village officials plan to reassess those closures on or about April 1.