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Homewood Science Center has gifts centered around science

Santa’s workshop has been busy A variety of toys geared toward science and technology and a host of Homewood Science Center items are available Nov. 24 through Dec. 27 at the PopUp Science Shop. (Photo by Marilyn Thomas/H-F Chronicle)generating toys for children who love creativity and learning. His special creations are available at the Homewood Science Center’s PopUp Science Shop starting Saturday, Nov. 24.

The specialty toys will help break the status quo with fun gifts that will encourage a child’s learn in the process. The shop is stocked with toys not seen in the traditional toy aisle. 


Santa’s workshop has been busy generating toys for children who love creativity and learning. His special creations are available at the Homewood Science Center’s PopUp Science Shop starting Saturday, Nov. 24.
A variety of toys geared toward science and technology and a host of Homewood Science Center items are available Nov. 24 through Dec. 27 at the PopUp Science Shop. (Photo by Marilyn Thomas/H-F Chronicle)
  You can shop for a variety of 
  science and technology toys,
  along with Homewood
  Science Center items
  from Nov. 24 to Dec. 27
  at the PopUp Science Shop. 

  (Photo by Marilyn Thomas/
  H-F Chronicle)
The specialty toys will help break the status quo with fun gifts that will encourage a child’s learn in the process. The shop is stocked with toys not seen in the traditional toy aisle. 
“These are a very carefully curated collection of STEAM inspired toys,” said Holly Kelsven, marketing, events and fundraising coordinator for the science center.
The shop at the Homewood Science Center, 18022 Dixie Highway in Homewood, opens Nov. 24. Business hours will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays through Dec. 27.
The PopUp Science Store is stocked with out-of-the-ordinary gifts for preschoolers age 3 through junior high. Parents are welcome to bring the children along when they shop. Several of the gift options will be on display, allowing parents to watch a child’s hands-on experience.
And children will enjoy a special hands-on exhibit “Nano: The Science of Small and What If?” on loan from the Oak Lawn Children’s Museum. 
In addition, the science center’s own merchandise will also be available, including T-shirts identifying famous scientists such as primate researcher Jane Goodall and NASA astronaut Mae Jemison, coffee mugs, hats and more.
For additional information, contact the staff at the Homewood Science Center at homewoodsciencecenter.org. 

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