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Salon seeking donations for food pantry, Michael Case Fund

A local business in Flossmoor holding two fundraisers in August, with hopes of giving back to those in need. Doyle Designed Salon will be donating 10 percent of all hair services proceeds from Aug. 1 to 6 to the Pantry of Rich Township. The salon is also collecting canned goods throughout that week. In addition, the salon will be raising funds later in the month for the family of Homewood resident Michael Case, who is recovering after being shot in the torso May 16.

A local business in Flossmoor holding two fundraisers in August, with hopes of giving back to those in need. Doyle Designed Salon will be donating 10 percent of all hair services proceeds from Aug. 1 to 6 to the Pantry of Rich Township.

The salon is also collecting canned goods throughout that week. In addition, the salon will be raising funds later in the month for the family of Homewood resident Michael Case, who is recovering after being shot in the torso May 16.


Doyle Sims, owner of the salon at 2630 Flossmoor Road, has served on the Rich Township pantry board since he was diagnosed with a cavernous vein formation bleed in his brain at the age of 40.

“I underwent brain surgery and eventually completely recovered,” he said. “I thought I should find some way to give back, being blessed with more time on this earth.”

In addition, he said he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his mother who ran a food pantry at his church for more than 20 years.

The fundraiser for the Michael Case Fund takes place August 22 to 26. Doyle Designed will donate 10 percent of the week’s proceeds from hair services to the Go Fund Me account for Case, a 45-year-old Amtrak conductor and Navy veteran.

Case was shot at the Naperville Amtrak platform by a 79-year-old Wisconsin man, who was taken into custody and charged with attempted murder following the attack. In the past two months, 97 persons have contributed $6,155 to the Go Fund Me account.

Sims said he’s known the Case family for about six years, since daughter Isabella worked at his salon in high school. Sims said he created both fundraisers to inspire people to give and chose to make August a “giving back month.” He explained there are many different ways to give back.

“We all need to exercise ‘keeping the ladder down’ so we can help others come up it also,” Sims said. “I think it always feels better to extend an act of kindness, so why not do what you can when you can.” Persons interested in donating to the food pantry can also write checks to the Pantry of Rich Township.

— David P. Funk contributed to this story

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