Local News

Homewood to hold public hearing Tuesday on proposed bond issue

Homewood trustees will host a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, prior to the regular board meeting to entertain comments about a proposed bond issue.

The village plans to issue $1.9 million in general obligation bonds to pay for capital projects and major equipment purchases.

In the regular meeting, Marketing Director Zach Thomas will give a presentation about the village’s new website design.


The oath of office will be administered to three firefighters ― John Elashik, Tom Gaskin and Larry Lipinski ― who have been promoted to the rank of lieutenant and to two new street division maintenance workers ― Eric Fritz and Kurt Ginder.

The board will also consider measures to:

  • Amend the science center budget, converting a full-time staff position into a contract position
  • Grant a $10,000 bonus to Marino for exceptional performance, and
  • Enter into a license agreement with McLeod USA to install telecommunications equipment on village right of way. 

The board is expected to convene in closed session following the regular meeting to discuss litigation.

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