On May 19 local police officers will take to the roof of a local doughnut shop to help raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics, a worldwide organization that helps people with intellectual disabilities participate in sporting events.
From 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., Homewood officers will perch atop Dunkin Donuts at 17579 Halsted St. Flossmoor officers will be at the Dunkin Donuts shop at 3252 Vollmer Road in Olympia Fields from 6 to 11 a.m.
The annual Cop on Rooftop in Homewood is part of a statewide event, according to Homewood Deputy Chief Denise McGrath.
“This event has been a huge success over the years,” she said.
In 2016, 234 locations participated and raised more than $670,000, she said.
According to the Special Olympics Illinois website, nearly $32 million has been raised in Illinois by the Cop on a Rooftop/Torch Run program. This year will be the 15th for the partnership between Special Olympics Illinois and law enforcement agencies.
Dunkin Donuts patrons will be able to purchase mugs, T-shirts, hats, pins and Harley Davidson motorcycle raffle tickets. Proceeds will benefit Special Olympics.
Cop on a Rooftop precedes the next fundraiser, a torch run that begins June 4 and ends with the opening ceremony of Special Olympics Illinois Summer Games on June 9. Homewood and Flossmoor officers will participate in the torch run the evening of June 6.